March 1, 2012
My little sister Heidi is my best friend. She is 3 1/2 years younger than me. We were each other's maids of honor. When we were single we spent a month in Costa Rica together. I would die for Heidi.
Heidi had a much easier "dating" relationship than me. She found her soul mate and they got married a year and a half later. Things for Darren and I were much more of a "broken road." Heidi got married first. Ironically, I was always the one obsessed with marriage. I was happy for her, but it stung. I got married 5 months later.
Heidi and Joel have been praying for us since last February to get pregnant. Her and Joel had been living in Mexico as missionaries for the last 2 years. In December 2011, she told me that her and Joel were going to start "trying" when they got back and wanted to make sure it was okay with me. It was. I had spent months fantasizing about how I would announce my pregnancy to the family. Although I secretly wanted to be the first one (as the oldest child) to announce to my parents "you shall soon be grandma and gramps" I also knew that God's ways are higher than mine. I did cry when she said it, because deep down, I knew it would happen first for her.
And then it did. One month after trying actually. She called me first. I can't express how happy I am for her, and how, this child will in fact be a part of me and share my DNA. I can't express how happy I am for them, the joy of starting a family. She got to tell my parents. Her child will make them grandparents first.
I cried hard. Honestly, not out of bitterness or jealousy, but out of how tired I am of trying. Heidi and Joel got to "have sex for fun and see what happens" and poof. Where my bathroom has become a science lab for ovulation and our sex life has become a chore and often burden because of the "IM OVULATING NOW" situation. But, just like her having the first wedding, we are now both happily married. Just like her having the first baby, maybe we will follow suit 5 months later?
Heidi and I on the night of her engagement
I love you Heidi and I love you future niece and nephew too!! I did ask if she had triplets if I could have one and she said "Sure."