Noah Jude Benson
Once I lost Jude, I knew that if we ever had a little boy I wanted to name him Noah. Yes, every other baby boy in the world is named Noah and I never loved the name before, but by using the name Noah, I'm able to talk about my faith in God and redemption and I'm able to talk about how he is my rainbow baby-which allows me to mention Jude and Brinly in a non-depressing way. Naturally, we loved the name Jude and since Jude is his big brother, the middle name was easy.
Beckom Samuel Benson
We originally were going to name him Jace Beckette Benson. (Beckette trying to come up with a girl version of Becky). I eventually asked Becky which middle name she preferred to honor her Beck or Beckette. She came up with the middle name of Beckom because it's a combo of her name BECKY and her husband TOM. She said she could never have done this journey without Tom. Darren and I loved the combo name so much we decided to make it his first name!! As it's important for me (if people ask how we came up with the names, to talk about Christ and our other children, it's also really cool for me and important for me to talk about the surrogacy journey. People LOVE hearing how we came up with Beckom's name). Samuel is Darren's middle name, was Jude's middle name, and his dad and grandpa's middle name. In the Bible Hannah struggled with infertility and eventually had her ever-so-longed-for son: Samuel. It fits.

Life with Noah and Beckom has been both fun and challenging while all the while incredibly healing. I get to hold Jude and Brinly's little brothers every day. I can't stop telling them I love them. I can't stop thanking God they are alive. I'm an official stay at home mom for 3 months (I go back to work February 13).
There have been some very sweet gifts given to us through their birth. Obviously the gift of surrogacy. Along with that a highly skilled photographer felt like God was asking her to give us a free newborn photo session. 4 women, my childhood friend Kayla, my sister, Becky, and Pamela, one of my sister's best friends, have all dontated ounces and ounces of breastmilk to me. Kayla, who I hadn't talk to in years also randomly said she felt like God was asking her to do this (Thanks guys and thank you Jesus!!). Breastmilk can sell for $4 an oz and most of these women have babies of their own. HUGE gift.
Here are some of our picture from our session with Lindsay at If you live in Salem/Portland area, check this baby whisperer out!!
Oh Holly- they are GORGEOUS! I mean just absolutely stunning! And their names... oh, I just love the names. Both names are so special and meaningful! I continue to be so, so happy for you, sweet friend! You deserve this and so much more!
ReplyDeleteI adore all the thought and love that went into their names. It makes them just that more special...if that's possible. These photos are so beautiful. My heart is so very happy for you, Holly. Sending you so, so much love.
ReplyDeleteSimply beautiful! I love it when the focus is more so on the baby and not so much on the props.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. Thank you for sharing this. Makes my heart sing.
ReplyDeleteOh my! They are such handsome little guys! I love all the pictures and their names.
ReplyDeleteThe photos are amazingly beautiful and so are your boys. I love that their names have meanings. This makes it even more special.
ReplyDeleteI just came on to read how you were doing after a break of a few months. I can't believe I came on here and got to read this! Tears everywhere. I am so, so, so unbelievably happy for you and Darren! No words, really. Just pure joy for your beautiful family.
ReplyDeleteI just came on to read how you were doing after a break of a few months. I can't believe I came on here and got to read this! Tears everywhere. I am so, so, so unbelievably happy for you and Darren! No words, really. Just pure joy for your beautiful family.
ReplyDeleteHolly, you are so so blessed. God chose the most perfect babies for you and I cry when I think about your story. God always has a plan. Congratulations to the best looking boys around.
ReplyDeleteTears of joy stream down my face after I've read the last few posts. I'm in awe of this journey you've been on (and continue to be on). They are absolutely gorgeous, I said that out loud when I saw the pictures. Congratulations Holly!!
ReplyDeleteThis is the reward. Oh thank the Lord that our darkness doesn't last forever. Bless you.
ReplyDeleteBesides my own child, I have never seen such breathtakingly beautiful babies! What a gift they are. Love their names. The meanings. Their faces. These two are so special!! Congrats Holly.
ReplyDeleteThey are perfect!! What a gift that you are so deserving of!! Bless you xoxo
ReplyDeleteI love all the pictures and how you named the boys, so special!! I am so happy for you and Darren :)
ReplyDeleteI love how she came up with the name Beckom!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post. I love the name choices as well as the reasons. Noah and Beckom are absolutely beautiful. I am so happy for all of you.
ReplyDeleteBEAUTIFUL BABIES. I love their meaningful names. Bless them!
ReplyDeleteThey are breath taking. What a blessing!
ReplyDeleteTears in my eyes - they are beautiful! Congrats, many many times over! Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThose two boys are seriously *the* most gorgeous babies I have ever seen. Their names are perfect!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, your boys are incredibly handsome and adorable. Holly, I LOVE their names and the stories behind them. Thank you so much for sharing. Blessings to you all...
ReplyDeleteThey are precious. I love the photos, the names, just everything. Huge heartfelt congratulations to you and Darren. I'm so happy you have your miracles - truly God's greatest gifts.
ReplyDeleteOh Holly, they're perfect! I love how their names honor both Brinley and Jude and tell of their story. I'm so happy that you and your husband are getting baby snuggles right now, enjoy every minute of it!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, they are SO precious! And I love their names! What a truly amazing gift surrogacy is... and women like Becky who are willing to do it. :) I don't even know you but I've followed your blog for a while and it brings tears to my eyes to see this dream come true for you, your husband and your family. I praise God for how He brought these precious little boys into your lives.
ReplyDeleteI love the name Beckom and what an amazing way to honor your surrogate! Your story is so amazing and the boys are so beautiful. We conceived our daughter after a long journey through IVF and she is 3 months old. I know I am a complete stranger to you but we found out she has a milk allergy so all the milk I pumped before we found out (probably around 50 oz or so, I haven't counted it), we can't use since it has milk proteins in it. If you would want it, I would gladly give it to you! I can't bare to throw it away becaus you are so right, it's like gold!! I am so overjoyed for you on the birth of boys!!
ReplyDeleteThey are simply perfect!!
ReplyDeleteThey.are.perfect. Love the names and the beautiful meanings behind each of them :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I found your blog a few weeks ago and read through every single post, like a crazy person. This "ending" is pretty dang amazing!
ReplyDeleteThey are so, so perfect, Holly. And their names are too. I love that each part of their names carry a special meaning, a connection to their big brother and sister, and a connection to their story. I tear up with happiness seeing just how beautiful they are and knowing how much they were wanted. SO amazing. Thank you for sharing their beautiful photos.
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing story you have to tell those sweet sweet boys. From their older siblings, to how they were brought into this world, to their beautiful names. They will always know how loved and wanted they were. So happy for you!
ReplyDeleteThey are absolutely beautiful! I love that their names have so much meaning behind them.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful family!! So happy for all of you!
ReplyDeleteI am so thrilled for you. As a mom of twins, the first few months are tough... but it gets easier, I swear!!! The names are beautiful and the meanings are so special. I have followed your story for so long and it makes my heart melt to know you have two beautiful healthy children on this side of heaven to hold.
ReplyDeleteHolly I am so incredibly happy for you. I know the hurt and the hurdles you have jumped to bring Noah and Beckom into the world, and I love how you are remembering Jude and Brinly through them. Congratulations.. I hope to one day feel the joy and happiness you are feeling right now! Enjoy those sweet boys.
ReplyDeleteOh sugars!! They are simply adorable!! I just loved every single picture. Hugs to you! xo
Just so incredibly beautiful. So very happy for you. And the names are perfect.
ReplyDeleteI'm in love with those babies, their names and the meanings behind them. :))))
ReplyDeleteSo beautiful
ReplyDeleteSweet boys! Praising God for these beautiful gifts!
ReplyDeleteThey are so precious!!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope you all are doing well! Your boys are precious. Praying for you all.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, I am so happy for you and Darren. Your boys are adorable.
ReplyDeleteOh Holly! This just made my absolute day. <3 It was truly my joy and honor to photograph your boys! And that last one still makes me laugh...ANGRY BEARS!!! Haha! Hugs to you all!
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful names and beautiful babies. The names really hit home for me. My angel's name is Noah and my hopefully-soon-to-be rainbow's name is Samuel. (Due very soon). Thinking of you and all of your babies. <3
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, your babies are so precious, and the pictures are stunning.
ReplyDeleteOh my heart! PERFECTION X 2!