
September 16th, 2013

*Disclaimer:  I have been ttc for almost 3 years.  Sometimes when people I follow got pregnant it gave me hope for the future but as it went along, although I was soo happy for them, it still kicked me in the gut (the original announcement).  I want to be SOOO sensitive to people who follow/read my blog so I originally started a new blog where I was going to put my bump updates, shower details, etc.  I started it for the triplets but instantly deleted it the day we had our loss.  I've decided to keep it all in one place.  I PROMISE to not complain or go on and on about how "perfect" things are.  I plan to post an update about once a week.  If you are in a place where my blog brings you pain instead of hope, I won't be offended if you stop reading for now.  My heart is so heavy for people that are in the process of ttc with all the fear and worry and obsessing that comes.  You women are on my heart and mind all the time.

Today I hit one of the big milestones:  12 weeks.  Since we've had 2 miscarriages so far, the 12 week is a great step in the right direction.  I'm relaxing a bit more and finally allowing myself to feel excited and overwhelmingly grateful.  I went to the grocery store the other day and since I'm not supposed to lift anything over 20 lbs, I opened a carton of water bottles and put them in my cart 1 by 1.  The cashier gave me a funny look and I said "Oh sorry, I'm pregnant and can't lift heavy items." It felt so fake.  I'm saying "I'm pregnant?"  Is this a dream?  It still seems so crazy since the last 3 years of my life have been wondering if and how.

I got to have another ultrasound (#5) at eleven weeks 3 days and my mom came with.  I was with my regular OB who has been with me since the beginning of the IUIs.  I grabbed her hand as she was doing the ultrasound and said, "Dr. Foster I've been waiting for this moment with you for so long."  My mom got to see the little twins moving around (1 was way more active) but the heartbeat was clear.  I'm glad my mom got to experience a "happier" visit since the last one she came with me on was when we found out we had lost one.  I asked Dr. Foster about drops of blood and she said "honestly at this point I don't think you need to worry about the pregnancy."  I get to go in again at 13 weeks for down syndrome screening and then gender reveal in early October!!  I'm dying to know.

Here's my first official Bump update!!

How far along: 12 weeks
Baby is the size of a:   plum
Total weight gain: 6 lbs!  Yikes!  I couldn't eat much from weeks 5-9 but around 10 I started feeling awesome and hungry! Since I was normal BMI to begin, they said to gain 40-50 pounds total.  I'm 5'9'' and started at 148...200s here we come!
Maternity clothes: I could probably get away with out them, but I bought 2 pairs of super cute skinny jeans that "grow" with you.  They are sooo comfy.  I mainly wear dresses with leggings. 
Stretch marks: non yet but my dad (lol) gave me bio oil so I oil up each night
Sleep: I've been sleeping fine at night, I just go to bed earlier.  The funny thing is I wake up STARVING in the middle of the night and sneak into the kitchen to eat pretzels.
Best moment of this week: hitting the 12 weeks (I don't feel as ridiculous telling people), seeing both sweet babes on the ultrasound, and when I had to get a blood draw the tech said "Is this your first?" and I got to say "first and second!"  Fun. 
Miss anything: I would do anything and give up anything to be a mom.
Movement: nada
Food cravings: I could barely think about food but now I'm really into pringles (salty stuff) and Old Spaghetti Factory Minestrone Soup
Anything making you queasy or sick:  In the beginning yes (certain foods, smells, the idea of having more that 1 inside mentally made me think I was sick) but I'm feeling pretty's only beef jerky that makes me gag (I use to love it)
Have you started to show yet:  YES!  I had a super flat stomach before so my husband and family are all pumped about the little bump while friends say I just look like I ate a huge sandwich for lunch.  I refuse to tell my students and I'm just dying for one of them to finally ask!  Risky I know, but they are teenagers-very blunt, little tact.  I'm going to give extra credit to the first student that asks, and $10 to the first stranger that asks when I'm due. 
Gender: Oh man.  Praying both make it to term, my first vote was girl/girl but then I started thinking one of each would be fun!  Boy/boy would be a little crazy!  I find out in just 3.5 weeks!!
Labor signs: Thankfully, no.
Belly button in or out: In!
Wedding rings on or off: Off but only because it's getting re dipped :)
Happy or moody most of the time: I am so so happy.  I constantly find myself praying and just thanking God.  I found out I was pregnant the DAY my first baby from IVF would have been born, July 21.  I've had a few snappy moments with the husband but overall I'm JOYFUL!!
Looking forward to: telling friends that we have been waiting to tell, students finding out (they are fun and will love it), finding out the gender, my 30th bday coming up OCT 21 where we will tell the genders, March when they are due!  AHHH
Here is a little video from our 10.5 week ultrasound:


  1. :) LOVED seeing the video, Holly. Congratulations!

  2. Thank you for posting the video! I'm so excited for you guys! I bet you are dying to find out the gender.. Can't wait to hear more!

  3. So glad you made it to twelve weeks! Still praying and praising God for this milestone!

    1. You are the sweetest!! Thanks for all the prayers!!

  4. That's exciting! Congrats on your big accomplishment.

    1. Thank you so much!!! Crossing fingers your next hun!

  5. I am soooo so excited for you! I have been following your blog since the time I started TTC. I by no means had to go to the lengths that you did to get pregnant, but went as far as 3 IUI's and finally had my baby about 3.5 months ago! I have been following you the whole time, just hoping you get your happy news and hoping it sticks! Couldn't be happier to be reading your great, happy updates! Looking forward to all the updates!

    1. Erica your little guy is soo cute!!3 IUIS is a big deal too-all of it is such a fight for a baby! Thanks for the comment!!

  6. Tears are literally streaming down my face watching this! Im so beyond excited for and this amazing adventure. God is so faithful. Love you! Xoxo

  7. The best milestone to get to after treatments, I swear! I felt like I could breathe finally. Even now at 17 I get so nervous some days, but I have to remind myself that I might just be a little traumatized and to think positive! I'm here if you ever need anything. So glad the babies are doing well and progressing!! Can't WAIT to know the gender. I am so, so happy for you.


My Bucket List:

My Bucket List: